When it comes to advocating for the life of the unborn we often focus on all the reasons why women should keep their babies and why abortion is wrong.
Many of us who are pro-life have heard stories from women who have chosen to have an abortion and later regretted their decision to abort their baby. When we hear these kinds of stories it is difficult not to empathise with these women or feel emotionally triggered by the impact abortion has on the unborn child and the mother’s physical and emotional well-being.
Although most will agree these situations are heart-breaking, I must ask what are your thoughts toward women who were in a pregnancy crisis but decided to choose life? How do their experiences impact you?
I think for me personally these types of stories are the ones that I feel the most inspired by, they really put things into perspective and make me realise just how precious life is.
It’s not that I don’t have any compassion for the babies and mothers affected by abortion (just to be clear I am deeply affected by these types of situations, I want nothing more than to see these women healed and abortion to be abolished).
However, I also want to see every woman (no matter the circumstances she faces) empowered to choose life for herself and her unborn child.
For example when I hear of women who have been told abortion is her best option which is common in cases like rape, sexual coercion or fetal disability and yet she refuses to listen to those opinions and makes a decision to choose life, now this to me is inspiring and definitely something worth celebrating.
One thing I have learnt is that choosing life takes courage, but the rewards are worth taking that leap of faith.
Thinking about the rewards of choosing life is what inspired me to write this blog post.
When I mention the benefits of choosing life, I am not just referring to the life of the child and the fundamental rights they have to live. I am also referring to the feelings of hope and expectancy that many women who have chosen life have said they have experienced.
So the real question is - What can women (who may be considering having an abortion) expect if they choose life?
When I asked myself this question it dawned on me that many women may not know much about the rewards they can receive as a parent who chose to keep their baby, especially if they thought the baby would be more of a hindrance than a blessing (this is sad but it's the unfortunate truth).
You see, when you are in a crisis it’s very difficult to see past the present circumstances you are currently in. I myself have been in a crisis before and found myself making decisions based on fear rather than faith, as at the time I just couldn't see past the present situation.
This is why I believe it is so important for women and men to have the time to explore their options; then they can make an informed choice and have that time to process their emotions.
Going back to the question, what are the benefits of choosing life?
To be honest this wasn’t a question I could answer at the top of my head. I don’t have children myself yet which means I am unable to list my own personal responses. However I did spend some time pondering on this question trying to figure out what mothers might say.
So to get some more insight I took some time to listen to some stories shared by women who made a decision to choose life.
I listened to the key words they used to describe how keeping their baby made them feel. I observed their tone of voice, body language and the emotions they expressed - some of these women actually got really emotional when they talked about their babies which wasn't surprising as it is a sensitive topic.
One thing that stood out though, was the way their whole demeanour changed when they talked about their baby and being a parent; I noticed how their face lit up as they began to express all the rewards that parenting brings.
"Choose Life you’re never gonna regret it”
It’s amazing to hear how many women who choose life have a change in perspective once the baby is born. Life may look very different, as we all know a baby changes your life in many ways but most would agree that it change’s for the better.
Talking of better, I saw a video clip from a 16 year old girl called Darby who shared her story with Live Action. This young mum spoke about her experience when she went to the doctors office to get an official pregnancy test she recalled my doctor said to me “I have had a lot of people sit in that chair you are sat in and regret their abortions, but not once have I met a single mother who’s ever regretted having her baby”
To hear that a doctor said this is surprising as not many doctors are willing to give women in a pregnancy crisis any glimmer of hope, thankfully this doctor knew that abortion regret was a common thing and knew it was only right to pre-warn this young 16 year old girl about the dangers involved.
Despite the odds this 16 year old girl decided to keep her baby.
She says, “I knows that this is what I am supposed to be doing and I know that he (her baby boy) is in my life right now because he needs to be; God wanted him to be on this earth”
She adds “it is pretty amazing that you can love someone so little so much” (at this point she got very emotional whilst she was cradling her new born baby closely)
“I just cannot imagine not having him here with me today and what I would be doing if he wasn’t in my life right now; I think I would be very lost and wondering this November where was my baby” She ends the video by saying: “life is a beautiful gift, we can never take it for granted or put ourselves in a position where we can be controllers of life, honestly look how precious that is (looking at her baby)….Choose life you’re never gonna regret it”
Too add to these quotes; I have listed '10 Things You Can Expect When You Choose Life'
When you choose life you can expect:
1. Immense Joy
2. Hope for a brighter future
3. Unconditional love
4. Inspiration to succeed and do well
5. To find a love you never knew existed
6. Your life to change for the better
7. Receive healing and light
8. Become a better person
9. Families and other relationships become closer
10. Feelings of fear can turn into feelings of Joy
Everything on this list just makes me smile. I have seen for myself how a child can change a life with little to no hope for the future for the better. I have witnessed the positive impact a child brings to the parents and their families.
“I just cannot imagine not having him here with me today and what I would be doing if he wasn’t in my life right now; I think I would be very lost and wondering this November where was my baby” - Darby, Pregnant at 16, she rejected abortion
It’s amazing how you can literally go from someone who feels like they have no motivation or purpose in life, to someone who feels like you have someone or something to live for that gives you the motivation to live a full life; not a selfish life. But a life filled with hope and purpose seen through the eyes of a little precious child.
“It’s likely that women who choose abortion regret it, but very unlikely that women regret choosing life” – Unknown.
When I listed the rewarding things you can gain from choosing life. It led me to think about the scriptures that connected to the vision for the ministry.
The scriptures I am referring to are Jeremiah 29:11, John 10:10 and Deuteronomy 30:19 and it suddenly dawned on me that these women are describing the same 'hope' and 'expectation' God promises us in His word.
Words like “hope for a better future” reminded me of Gods promise to us in Jeremiah 29:11. “For I know the plans I have for you” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”
Choosing Life is what gives you assets such as Joy, unconditional love; healing and light!
Choosing life is……
more than just choosing to keep your baby – Choosing Life is Choosing Him!
making a decision to choose hope, purpose and unconditional love over fear!
making a choice to follow the one who wants nothing more than to give you a full life; an abundant life - until it overflows! (John 10:10)
Simply put, choosing life reveals your faith and trust in the plans God has for your life and your future. It also reveals the same advantages you will receive when you choose to live your life for Christ.
Even if you don’t believe in God and the life He created for you - this doesn’t negate the fact that you and your children have been created in His own image. (Genesis 1:27) or neither does it change His plan and thoughts towards you.
“I know that he is in my life right now because he needs to be; God wanted him to be on this earth” – Darby
The point is, we are here because God created us and wanted us to be here.
God sees children as His precious Image-bearers, loved by Him and here for a purpose, no matter how their story began.
So as you can see there are many blessings connected to choosing life, yet still there are so much more rewards to discover.
Final thoughts…
I look at these mothers who chose life and when I see them with their babies I see what hope looks like; I see what purpose and a bright future looks like. I see what God tells us we will see when we choose the life He has ordained for us – I see the result of a gift so precious, that sadly almost didn’t make it to see this beautiful day.
I hope this blog encourages you and inspires you to choose life every day!
Love & Blessings,
Choose Life Ministries
I challenge you to share this blog with someone you know (or don’t know) you never know this may be the very thing that helps to change their perspective and give them more reasons to choose life.