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Writer's pictureChoose Life Ministries

#9 Million Reasons Why

Choose Life Ministries had the privilege to attend the 2020 SPUC Youth Conference last month. For those of you who do not know who the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children are (SPUC). They are the oldest pro-life campaigning and educational organisation in the world. SPUC have been around since January 1967 (the year the 1967 abortion act came into effect in the UK) and over the years they have built up extensive experience in all the pro-life areas they cover – so this was a great opportunity for Choose Life Ministries!

Although the conference was about a serious subject we were still able to have fun (yes pro-lifers have fun!) We took part in quizzes and icebreaker games that are sure to get you out of your comfort zone! – however I must say the most humorous person at the conference in my opinion was Sister Roseann Reddy; this lady had the ability to have everyone laughing in-between very serious and sensitive information without taking away from the message she wanted to get across - the best comment was probably when she said she often hears the line “I’m pregnant and I don’t know how it happened”. She replies “Well I’m a nun and I know how it happens!” This comment definitely got our attention and a room full of people laughing. The pro-life subject can be a bit heavy sometimes; we need to be able to have lighthearted moments like this and a good sense of humour always helps.

"I’m pregnant and I don’t know how it happened”. She replies “Well I’m a nun and I know how it happens!”

To make the conference entertaining SPUC organised a Ceilidh (Scottish music singing and dancing) which we were able to get involved in; and when I say involved, I mean spectating as I don’t think there was enough energy reserved in the tank after day one's entertainment – nonetheless it was fun to watch!

The theme for this year’s conference was ‘9 Million Reasons Why’ Everyone who attended the conference had good reasons to be there - We were there to represent for the 9 million plus precious lives lost since the UK legalised abortion in 1967 and unfortunately the number is rising every day.

During the weekend we had the honour and the privilege to hear moving testimonies and inspirational talks from: Sister Roseann Reddy the founder of Sisters of the Gospel of Life which is a pregnancy crisis centre based in Glasgow, Rebecca Kiessling international pro-life speaker and founder of an organisation called Save the 1; Rachel Mackenzie from Rachel’s Vineyard which is a post abortion retreat for women; David Paton who is an Industrial Economics Professor at Nottingham University and Julia Rynkiewic a student mid-wife from Nottingham University. (There were also some other speakers who facilitated workshops) It was amazing to hear how these great men and women are actively transforming hearts and lives through their commitment and dedication to saving the lives of unborn babies.

Sister Roseann Reddy gave a powerful talk on the heart of the pro-life movement. She encouraged us all to “Be prepared to stand up for the knowledge that is within you” This is something we should expect to do; if you have strong beliefs about something like abortion; you have to expect that people are going to challenge your beliefs if they do not align with their own - As the saying goes “If you don’t stand for something you’ll fall for anything”.

God’s word gives us knowledge and just as God encouraged Joshua in Joshua 1:8-9 to meditate on the book of the law and not let it depart from his mouth; He also told him to meditate on it day and night. The fact that God encourages us to do this means it’s important; it’s necessary, as in order for us to live out this truth we must be Strong and Courageous – This is the knowledge that will help us ‘stand up’ for the knowledge that is within us when it comes to defending human rights too just as Sister Roseann encouraged us to do - We need the knowledge of the Laws as much as we need Gods Heart.

"Be prepared to stand up for the knowledge that is within you”

Rebecca Kiessling (a strong and courageous woman who was conceived in rape and targeted for abortion) was the Key note speaker at the conference; she is an international pro-life speaker. Rebecca made an interesting point in her talk: she said “In the pro-life movement many people have got the issue and the rules but they jump to the conclusion and they fail to apply this to real people; its real stories that change people’s hearts in a way that arguments cannot” She went on to say “Jesus spoke in parables in order to apply a principle to a story to help you remember” This is something we have to think about like Sr Rosann said “most people know abortion is taking a life, but most people are not challenged on it”

This is why I believe we need people like Rebecca and Rachel Mackenzie who shared her own very emotive and inspiring testimony about how she has been affected by the two abortions she had.

We can go back and forth with science, logic, humanity and Biblical reasoning as to why abortion is killing unborn babies, but without ‘love’ without a caring side which is fundamental - are we really going to make a difference?

David Paton an Industrial economics Professor at Nottingham University who also has an interest in the research of teenage pregnancy and assisted suicide asked a similar question; he asked “Do pro-lifers make a difference?” My response is I should hope so and yes I do think we do make a difference because this has been proven. To lead us to this self-reflective answer David quoted a line from the film Lord of the Rings “It's ordinary things that ordinary people do that have the biggest effect, even though you think you’re not worthy or the ones that can have this impact”

David then went on to give us figures, statistics and evidence relating to abortion rates through studies and research (some of which was his own). Being an Economist he believes “law does have an influence; law itself can influence moral attitudes and behaviour – it sets a marker in society” and as we know through Rebecca Kiessling’s story it was that same law that protected her from being aborted. David answers his own question by saying “pro-lifers do make a difference and pro-life laws do make a difference”

We heard from Julia Rynkiewicz a student mid-wife from Nottingham University who had been banned from practicing midwifery for being publicly associated with a pro-life group which is shocking, however it shouldn’t be in any way a shock that a student midwife who is training to deliver babies is pro-life!….but anyway, thankfully her story didn’t end there.

It was attending the 2019’s SPUC Youth Conference that led her to set up a pro-life society at her University; unfortunately her zeal and excitement, was quickly shattered when she was informed she was being suspended. However with help and support from her pro-life friends, SPUC and APS (Alliance of Pro-life Students) she has had the decision overturned and after four long months out of placement she is now back on her course.

Julia’s experience will hopefully be the last of this kind of discrimination but as we know it probably won’t be – Although this was an unfortunate situation for Julia, we encourage anyone who is considering starting a pro-life society in their University to not be discouraged in any way or put off from speaking up or getting involved in the pro-life movement as Julia herself assured us all to not allow her experience to hinder us because of what happened to her; She closed her speech by saying "Form a society and if anything goes wrong you have an army of people behind you and beside you" Yes we do! We were born for such a time as this; God will send the right people to help us, we also have a spiritual army fighting our battles for us - there is no reason to fear!

The pro-life journey isn’t an easy one as we know, but it’s a road worth taking. As Professor David Paton reminded us “You don’t come into this movement for the praise and the glory” No we don’t - we know anything that’s worth having in life isn’t easy; but you could be saving lives by starting off small; just by sharing your views with someone or offering practical help for a crisis pregnancy can make a difference – Which is a great thing to do.

“You don’t come into this movement for the praise and the glory”

As the weekend progressed and the more we spoke to people it became clear that almost all apart from us and maybe a couple of others (as far as we know) were Catholic; It’s great to see so many people who believe in God are pro-life; and many Catholics are running with it which is awesome, however we have to point out that pro-life is not just a Catholic issue and by no means is it just a Christian issue; but being Christians ourselves we can’t help but notice the gap in the movement.

Yes, there are Christian’s and people of different faiths and no faith at all who are pro-life. Sister Roseann made a great point she said “To be pro-life is not a religious issue it’s a human rights issue” but she also added “if you believe in God you have to be pro-life” So what does this mean for the Church? It means we need to speak out more on the issue of abortion and support more pro-life initiatives – We thank God for those who are doing so already and we know He is equipping you all for this great work! After all, we are God’s representatives on earth and He wants us defending life and we shouldn’t just keep quiet about it because it’s a sensitive subject or it’s not politically correct.

“To be pro-life is not a religious issue it’s a human rights issue”

It’s time for us to Stand Up, Step Up, Step In and Step Out! not just pro-lifers, not just Catholics, not just Christians whether young or old, whatever your beliefs whether you believe in God or not - if you believe in the sanctity of life, the preciousness each new unique life brings, and if you want to help women who are in crisis pregnancies; Be bold! there are women and babies out there who need your help and support.

“If you believe in God you have to be pro-life

We knew going to the SPUC Youth conference would be educational, inspiring and empowering – but it far exceeded our expectations! To witness so many different people who are unanimous in protecting the lives of unborn babies (9 million reasons to be precise) Now that’s inspiring!

If you want to check out any of the speakers we’ve mentioned here are some links:

Rebecca Kiessling –

ARCH (Abortion Recovery Care and Helpline) -

Alliance of Pro-life Students -

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