(image above from a blog on M4LUK website)
What a day March 4 Life UK was. It was the first time marching for us both. I was excited but a little nervous. Although when we actually got out into the crowd, and I could tell what they were chanting (as I couldn't tell at first) my nerves just went away and I was ready to March and chant and shout with passion for life, for the unborn. I have a voice, they do not, so we and the 7,000 others marching had to be their voice. I thought before we went that we would have opposition and I wasn't wrong there were pro-choice protesters outside the building where we met in the morning. They were being as loud as they could be with big drums and some of them had their faces completely covered with scarves which doesn't exactly look peaceful or friendly. But apart from making a noise they didn't cause any trouble. I just prayed that they would one day see the truth of what abortion really is and come to know the love and compassion of Christ. People call those in support of abortion pro-choicers but actually abortion offers no chances, and no choices. I did think we'd get more opposition as we walked around London, but surprisingly it was quite the opposite, people were beeping horns in support and cheering and waving from streets and the tops of buses. This really blessed and encouraged me in my pro-life walk.
Pro Life is a community
During the March we had the privilege of meeting Dr Dermot Kearney and chatting with him. He is quite well known in pro-life circles because he’s the doctor who brought the abortion reversal pill to the UK. He had a bit of opposition from the abortion lobby though and he was suspended from practising and told to stop giving women access to the abortion reversal pill. However, after investigation (but before trial) the GMC dropped the case against him because all the women he helped supported him and spoke up in his defence. He’s now able to offer the abortion reversal pill again to women who want it. So far, he’s helped save over 50+ babies.
It felt like their was a real community of pro-lifers at the March. I was so pleased to see men, women, young and old, boys and girls all attending the March. Some whole families were there marching together. We saw a number of toddlers and young babies, the youngest being only a few weeks old, seeing all these children blessed my heart, seeing them I kept thinking they are the reason we are here; they are the reason we are marching.
I also thought it was great having kids at the March and at the morning’s talks and activities because life is important, and the younger you learn the value of life the better. The young generation are important, they are the future.
Life From Conception No Exception There were a number of chants we did throughout the day and there were two specific chants I really liked. One was "Hey Hey! Ho Ho! Marie Stopes has to go!" The chant that was the most special to me is a well-known one in pro-life circles "Life from conception! No exception!" I found this very emotional and wanted to cry sometimes when I was shouting it. From the mornings talks and stalls I had gotten two rubbery wristbands from the M4LUK stand and one of them had this very sentence printed on it. I kept wearing it for days after the event. The reason this chant is more special to me than the others and will always be special to me is because I know someone who by many people is classed as an 'exception’. So when people say, “I’m against abortion except in cases of incest of rape.” I would like to challenge them on this statement. So, because of how they were conceived this person is classed as an exception. This person is part of my family, and they are incredibly special to me. I could not imagine them not being here, or never having been here.
There are no exceptions for any reason, life is life from day one. We cannot pick and choose for those wanted babies' life starts from day one of conception. And for those who are unplanned or unwanted, they are just considered blobs, non-life. That is just not the case. Life from day one for all.
I found the whole day very special and it reminds you that you aren't alone in supporting the unborn. I will definitely be going to M4LUK marches in the future and I really recommend them to anyone who wants to support the unborn and see life valued from day one.
Choose Life Ministries