Abortion has become much more accessible today than it was over 50 years ago before it was made legal in England and Wales. Once upon a time access to abortion clinics was very few and far between, hence why there were a lot of (what we refer to as) "back street abortions"
Fast forward to 2021 and you will find that there is a rather large amount of Abortion Clinics (and hospitals) that perform abortions regularly, some even on a daily basis. In England alone there are 143 abortion clinics. This a staggering amount. Many of these clinics are run privately up and down the country, many of them belonging to Marie Stopes or BPAS.
Along with this list of 143 private clinics there are NHS and private hospitals that also perform abortions on a regular basis. As of September 2019 figures show that there are 1257 hospitals in every country of the UK (this number includes NHS and private hospitals) And out of those 1257 hospitals, England has the largest amount of hospital's that perform abortions - 854 to be exact.
The platter of death, pain and tears that women are offered is just truly sad and shocking. Women really do deserve better.
Now not all these hospitals will perform abortions as some may not have gynaecological departments or maybe small hospitals. However the majority will. The platter of death, pain and tears that women are offered is just truly sad and shocking. Women really do deserve better.
In the county of Greater Manchester there are 19 private abortion clinics and 8 NHS hospitals that perform abortions, a total of 27 places to get an abortion compared to the 1 Pro-life centre based in Greater Manchester. We highlight the example of Greater Manchester as this is one of the North West counties and according to 2020 abortion stats by region of residence - rates of abortions are highest in the North West, exceeding any other region in England.
Recognising the Disparity
Whilst abortion clinics are "thriving" and giving the women access to "healthcare" at a disproportionate rate, pregnancy centres are not easy to be found.
Abortion screams at women who are in unplanned pregnancies, they may even be considered foolish by society if they decide against all the difficulties and hardships they may face if they still want to choose another option, other than abortion. Where is that life help? It is there but it can often get drowned out in the sea of abortion choices.
There is a real divide of pro-life and pro-choice options for women in the nation today.
There are 27 Pro-life centres across the UK. One of the main reasons there is such a difference in numbers is because it takes time and money and training etc to set these pro-life centres up, and they have to heavily rely on donations and volunteers to help keep the centre running. Whereas the abortion industry has a healthy supply of finances which means they can easily set up clinics here there and everywhere.
What support can women expect?
There are people who want to offer life to these women, their families and the unborn and they are the ones who have opened these 27 centres. They are the ones who have a heart for prolife work and have compassion and want to come alongside these women and their families to offer a better solution.
This solution often comes from the people who stand outside these clinics praying and giving out information about these pregnancy centres, but unfortunately with the new buffer zones that have been put in place this means women are being restricted from getting this sidewalk counsel.
Pro-life centres, are the ones offering a listening ear in a non-judgemental environment for women with an unexpected pregnancy, they offer advice on choosing adoption or choosing to parent your child; emotional and practical help throughout pregnancy, even when the baby is born. These centres offer help with baby clothes and equipment and some centres will also help you to access any government help you are entitled to.
If you are doing this work, remember you are helping women walk on a path of blessing. You are helping them embrace a brighter future than the dark “answer” abortion can provide.
You are the beacons of light and hope, you are the ones offering the opportunity for these women to see God’s love and to help bring hope for themselves and their children, and we want to thank you for all you do!
There is a role and a place for pregnancy centres to fill, and a role for the Church community to help these women too.
With that being said, let’s continue to support the centres that do exist because they need it! And where they don’t exist, let’s work towards changing that and help to build robust services for vulnerable parenting and pregnant women.
Women need real options. Our hope for the future of this nation is to see a Pro-Life Centre in every county of the UK.
Choose Life Ministries