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There's Something About Mary: A Christmas Miracle

Updated: Jul 27, 2023

“I’m too young to have a baby”

“I can’t afford to have a baby”

“My partner will leave me”

“Life will just be too hard with a baby”

“My family will be upset”

These are some examples of the many reasons that a woman may give if she does not want to keep her baby. When a pregnancy is unplanned and unexpected it is not unusual to feel overwhelmed with all different emotions which can lead to thoughts about how having a baby will impact your life.

However there was one young teenage girl who could have used all these reasons not to choose life, but instead, in the face of all the challenges, she decided to say yes to life – Her name was Mary, Mary The mother of Jesus.

Let me tell you a little story about Mary

There's Something about Mary

Over two thousand years ago Mary from Galilee was engaged to be married to a man named Joseph, when she had a visit from an Angel called Gabriel who was sent by God to tell her that she will conceive a son.

However, it wasn’t that straight forward, there was a slight problem.

1. Mary was a virgin

2. Joseph wouldn’t be the father

When Mary was told by the angel Gabriel that she would conceive the son of God Mary had a question: “how can this be? Since I am a virgin?” she said. Mary was concerned about the ‘how’ but all she was told was that she would conceive through the power of the Holy Spirit.

The thing is, Mary didn’t have the perfect circumstances for pregnancy and she didn’t know how it would impact her life, yet despite all this she said yes to the call without even knowing the outcome.

Mary was at risk of dealing with:

· Being outcasted and disowned by her family, friends and neighbours.

· Being stoned to death as she was unmarried and pregnant (in the culture in those days that was a possible punishment)

· Her Fiancé wasn’t the Father of her baby, meaning she could have lost the man she loved.

Mary didn’t have a lot of money either, she was engaged to a Carpenter and she was very young.

In spite of all these circumstances Mary responded by saying:

“This is amazing! I will be a mother for the Lord! As His servant, I accept whatever He has for me. May everything you have told me come to pass” (Luke 1:38)

How awesome is that?! Her zeal and enthusiasm demonstrates the type of person she was. Mary trusted God’s plan for her life – it was an honour and privilege for her to be chosen by God to bring forth life into the world…

A very special life too; The life of the son of God! And without knowing what that would looked like, Mary humbly accepted and embraced the changes.

Not surprisingly, when Joseph found out that Mary was pregnant, he thought she had been unfaithful to him and he was planning to divorce her privately as he didn't want to expose her publicly. (This shows he was a good man and wanted to cover Mary from public embarrassment even though he himself was very hurt and disappointed).

However, before he could do anything, God spoke to him in a dream and told him that Mary hadn't been unfaithful to him and that the baby she is carrying was conceived by the Holy Spirit and would save his people from their sins. (Matthew 1:18-21)

Mary knew there was a possibility that Joseph may not support her, but thankfully he came around to the will of God and ensured he did all he could to protect Mary the woman he loved during that crucial time (Matthew 1:19-25)

During this season Mary had an opportunity to connect with a relative who was expecting a child too.

She was informed by the angel that her cousin Elizabeth (who was once barren) was also pregnant with a son (Luke 1:36-37)

This was an exciting moment for Mary as this was an opportunity to share her exciting news with Elizabeth.

When Mary went to visit Elizabeth at her home, scripture tells us that “the babe leaped in her womb” And Elizabeth was actually filled with the Holy Spirit as soon as she heard the greeting of Mary (Luke 1:41)

I am often reminded of this passage in the bible when I hear pro-choicer's argue that there is no living developing human-being in the very early stages of pregnancy or it is just a ‘clump of cells without self-awareness’

This isn't actually true, we believe differently, we believe that life starts at conception and many Scientists will tell you this too.

This particular passage in the gives bible gives us some clarity about this, as at the time of Mary’s visit to Elizabeth it is believed that Mary was about two weeks pregnant so this means Jesus was in the early stages of life when Elizabeth’s baby (John the Baptist) leaped for joy in her womb (Luke 1:44)

I think it is so amazing to know that Jesus wasn’t even developed into a fetus at this point, yet Elizabeth’s son was able to recognise the ‘life’ in Mary’s womb instantaneously.

I believe God connected Mary with Elizabeth so that they could sharpen one another during a testing time as they were both carrying the life of two very important people who would have such a great and significant purpose on this earth.

Although Mary knew carrying this baby was a risk for her, she was courageous and took the leap of faith anyway. Despite the risks, she chose purpose over the problem and trusted that God would work it all out for her.

I love what she said in Luke 1 vs 38 “I accept whatever He has for me. May everything you have told me come to pass”

Mary accepted God’s plan for her life regardless of how it sounded, or how impossible it seemed. she got into agreement with it and it came to fruition.

You can read the rest of the story in Luke 2.

Let’s be real here, most of us would struggle to accept a plan with this much weight to it - I know I would! I mean, talk about a huge responsibility!

Perhaps you are reading this and feel like you are a bit like Mary and run the risk of raising your child alone as a single parent and that may actually scare you. Perhaps you are worried about feeling publicly humiliated due to the circumstances surrounding your pregnancy.

There is hope for you too

If you are pregnant and the baby is unplanned, perhaps you may feel like you are the only one who’s in that situation, you may feel people wouldn’t understand.

You may feel like you don’t have anybody to support you, encourage you, or to share your experience with.

But I want you to know that this isn’t true and there is a community of people out there who are willing to support you through this new chapter of your life. (If you are in an unplanned pregnancy and need help pregnancy centres can offer free non-judgemental counselling and practical support i.e. baby equipment, clothes, nappies etc).

And It doesn’t matter if you are a single parent, a teenager, or both I know you may feel ostracized, judged and even invisible to others but my question is, do other people’s opinions really matter that much? I don’t think they do.

To be honest the only opinion you should really care about is God’s opinion of you, as He is the one who created you and has a purpose and great plans for your life and your baby’s life and He wants the best for you - He loves you and your unborn child.

And just like Elizabeth, if you are struggling and feel isolated then I believe God can send you your very own Mary. He will send that special someone who has exactly what you need when you need it; that one person that as soon as you come into contact with each other, your baby will leap for joy and hopefully you will too with excitement and expectation for what’s to come.

Are you willing to take the risk?

As for your friends and family, you may be worried about them and how they might react to your pregnancy. Yes, they might be surprised at first; they might even think it’s not the best situation for you to be in, however bearing in mind some people have the ability to impart their own fears onto others when faced with a crisis, so you have to be sure your feelings about your pregnancy are not being influenced by others.

Despite this, if your family love you, I am sure they will come around eventually and hopefully support your decisions and give you the freedom and acceptance to make the right choice.

If you feel like choosing life is too hard or just too impossible, just take another look at Mary and how she risked her life for her unborn child (I encourage you to read the whole story as I have only paraphrased it).

I don’t think there is any greater risk than risking your very life.

Mary sacrificed losing her life for her son, and look who He turned out to be! Jesus became the ultimate sacrifice for all of mankind – Now that was a bold step to take and like the saying goes “With great risk comes great reward”

With Great Risk Comes Great Reward – Thomas Jefferson

The risk might not cost you as much as it did Mary, but it is still a risk when you choose to go against everyone else’s expectations of you and choose to lay down your desires and to sacrifice things in your life for your child’s.

I can honestly say there is no doubt in my mind that It takes a huge amount of courage to choose life, especially if you are being coerced into choosing abortion (which I am aware is a common situation for some women).

No one is you and that is your power – Dave Grohl

Be encouraged, and Look to the future…….

Before making such a life changing decision, just take a moment to pause and think about the future generations you will be contributing to – think about the legacy you will leave behind in this future generation.

I assure you that when you take your eyes off the ‘here’ and ‘now’ God will give you a glimpse into what that future will look like, just like He did for Mary.

I know what you’re thinking “That was Mary; she birthed the Messiah! Who am I compared to her?! I’m not Mary, I don’t have her strength”

Well I’m here to tell you, yes you are right, you are not Mary….

You are YOU!

And yes, there is only one Mary, but guess what?

There is only one you too – And that is your power!

And another thing, You have the same strength within you that she had; all you have to do is tap into it.

I am telling you and whoever is reading this blog even if you feel like none of this relates to you.

Guess what? I am here to tell you that You are stronger than you think too. And whatever crisis you are facing right now, you will get through it!

Women are very strong; strong in more ways than one and just like Philippians 4:13 says (one of our favourite verses in the bible)

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me

YOU can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens you!

I have heard so many stories from women who’ve been in unplanned pregnancies and seriously considered abortion. Some almost went ahead with it but then changed their mind, and now they couldn’t imagine their life without their child.

And the amount of love they have for their child, amazes them.

I can honestly say I don’t know one single mother who has ever regretted having their child, but I do know women who’ve regretted and been very hurt emotionally or physically by their abortion.

If you want to feel one of the greatest loves of all and have one of the best calling’s ever, and if you want to impact someone’s life in the best way possible, then choose life for your child.

Whether you raise them or give them to loving adoptive parents you are doing something amazing.

One thing nobody can take away from you though is your freedom of choice.

All we can do is pray you make the right one, the one that will bless you and the life inside you.

The miracle of life is so wonderful.

Jesus was Mary’s Christmas miracle, your child could be your miracle this Christmas too.

Choose Life Ministries would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas & we pray you have a blessed, happy & healthy 2021! Better things are yet to come!

Thanks for your continued support this year.

See you in 2021!

Love & Blessings



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