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List of Organisations that offer Help

This is a list of organisations that may be of interest to you. Here you will find information about the pro-life cause, abortion, campaigns, law changes, petitions, services offering abortion recovery and support services available for parents, families and those who want to leave the abortion industry. 


UK Organisations

Be here for me  a group of mum's who are opposing a ban on pro-life help outside abortion clinics by some

councils implementing censorship/buffer zones, they are doing this because they've been helped when they 

were considering abortion and with the help they were able to have their babies. They want this help to be

available to all women in crisis pregnancies.

Care for the Family helps those who face family difficulties

Christian Concern / Christian Legal Centre support with a range of issues

Citizen Go use online petitions and action alerts as a resource to defend and promote life, family and liberty.

Good Counsel Network offer moral support, medical information, legal advice & practical help to women seeking abortion.

Let Them Live  collective of  of evangelical Christians who are passionate about stopping abortion in Northern Ireland

Life Charity support services for anyone facing unplanned pregnancy or pregnancy loss and education about human dignity.

March For Life campaign to raise awareness about abortion

Mercy UK  Christian charity that provide residential homes for women with life controlling issues and pastoral training and support.

Precious Life largest pro-life group in Northern Ireland who through activism and high profile campaigns have saved many babies

Rachel's Vineyard offer healing retreats for women and men who want to deal with painful post-abortive emotions.

Right to Life charitable organisation focused on life issues -abortion, assisted suicide and embryo research

Silent No More Campaign anti-abortion Campaign

SPUC protect unborn children from abortion through campaigning, education and news.

The Alliance of Pro Life Students support and connect pro-life student societies in universities across Great Britain

The Christian Institute  promotes Christian religion in the United Kingdom and elsewhere

40 Days for Life International 40 day campaign that aims to end abortion, through prayer, fasting, community outreach, and peaceful prayer vigils outside abortion businesses.

USA Organisations

Abide Women offer healthcare and complimentary services that are easily accessible and holistic for women

Abortion Pill Reversal provide a pill that if taken within 24 hours can reverse abortion 

And Then There Were None provide support to anyone wishing to leave the abortion industry.

Citizen Go use online petitions and action alerts as a resource to defend and promote life, family and liberty.



Embrace Grace help women with unplanned pregnancies find a place of belonging within the church

Human Coalition help rescue women and their children from abortion through a variety of care networks

Human Life Action a project of national committee for a Human Life Amendment

Live Action non-profit anti-abortion organization 

March for Life campaign to raise awareness about abortion

Save The Storks offer resources, education, and support to those who are faced with abortion decisions

Save the 1 educate on how to defend children conceived in rape, incest as well as those with special needs

Silent No More Campaign  anti-abortion campaign

40 Days for Life International 40 day campaign that aims to end abortion, through prayer, fasting, community outreach, and peaceful prayer vigils outside abortion businesses.

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